
big 500 pop posterWant List

If you have any of the following CKOC Big 500 Pop Posters (like the one on the right), and are willing to part with them, email me. You will be financially compensated handsomely and I would like to be able to add to this site and enhance it with photos of some of the other posters I do not currently have in my collection.

CKOC Big 500 Pop Posters Wanted:

CKOC Chart
  • 1988 Edition
  • 1987 Edition
  • 1985 Edition
  • 1975 Edition
  • 1972 Edition
  • 1971 Edition
  • 1969 or earlier (do they exist?)

Oldies 1150 Big 500 Posters Wanted:

  • Fall 1995/Spring 1996 Edition
    (not dated but #500=I Heard It Through The Grapevine, #499=It's My Life...etc)